Saturday, October 15, 2011

first fall-like saturday

What to do with my weekend now that its too chilly to be on the boat?  Why not drag my husband out of bed at 8:30 on a Saturday morning to go to some yards sales?

I can clearly see that my interpretation of the description on Craigslist versus the actual items at the yard sales were slightly off.  I honed in on certain words such as "multi-family" and "antiques" and seemed not to have noticed the mention of ample amounts of children's items.  Oh well, not our day for yards sales.

Our last stop was at antique store and we could not resist purchasing these 3 things...including what I just learned was the very first model of the Polaroid Camera, pretty cool if you ask me.

1948 - Instant photography goes on sale to the public for the first time with the Polaroid Model 95 camera and Type 40 film. The camera is so named due to its $95 suggested price. This is just over $850 today.
After selling out quickly, the Boston store that launched the first cameras begins taking backorders for up to $150, or about $1350!

Large Wooden Spool
Vintage Polaroid Camera
Vintage Chair

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