Tuesday, March 29, 2011

office organization/re-design (before and after)

A lot of us have these random rooms in out home.  You start off with a vision and it ends up being the dumping grounds for stuff you aren't quite sure what to do with or the hiding spot for stuff when guests come over.  The rest of this darling apartment is completly furnished and decorated.  This "office" is the one room in the house that really needed some help!

I focused on cleaning out a lot of unneeded things and turning the room into an office that she enjoyed being in.  There is still work to be done on the space but she is well on her way to making the space more organized and efficient.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

As the client and good friend and in desperate need of help, I was a bit skeptical to have someone organize and completely redo my home office; however, I LOVE IT! I have never enjoyed sitting in my home office, but now, I find myself wanting to be in the room. It's very clean (all white desk and bookshelves), great carpet and she incorporated my favorite prints (which I have had for years and were never framed)! It looks great and I'm hoping she'll take on my next project :)