Tuesday, February 7, 2012

weekend warriors

How does this keep happening? I’ve been out of the loop since October it seems (didn’t think it had been THAT long) Anyways – lots to talk about.  

The hubby and I finished the wood floors in the bedroom - a project that involved turning our living room into our bedroom for a little while, although fun "camping" on the floor for the first few nights, this grew old very quickly.  I was a little eager to get my life back together and my bedroom situated again, so the baseboards will be done later on.

While the bedroom was completely stripped of all the furniture, we (more credit should be given to my husband for sure....I pretty much just did the staining) decided it would be a good time to also build a table top for the antique sewing table we bought last year and a console table with plans from Ana White.  

The dust from the building/sanding of the tables was unbearable --- I actually had to Swiffer my walls, wash my curtains and vacuum my picture frames. But honestly it was all worth it because we are so happy with the results.  

I wish I could say that we are done with projects, but we are always finding something else to do. As I've mentioned before, our poor office/guest room has also become somewhat of a storage unit. This weekend I had had enough and went on a bit of a cleaning spree. A few trips to the dumpster and some things left on the “free” bench in our building, the office is clearing out.  

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